Interview with Lola Jean Darling
Lola is a trans woman and uses she/her pronouns. We talk about growing up on the Pearl River Choctaw Reservation, Choctaw trans identities, colonization, and reclaiming and reconcontextualizing tradition.

Interview with Sally Jackson
Sally is a trans woman and uses she/her pronouns. We talk about growing up in Fort Worth in the 1950s and 60s, moving to New Orleans, PFLAG New Orleans, and her show on WHIV-LV FM.

Interview with Jamie Wright
Jamie is a trans woman and uses she/her pronouns. We talk about different areas of Louisiana and how great roller derby is.

Interview with Sophie Marie White
Sophie is a trans woman and uses she/her pronouns. We talk about the many jobs she’s had and being out in Houma.

Interview with Danielle Grace
Danielle is a trans woman and uses she/her pronouns.
We talk about the inauguration of Biden, the total mess that was 2020, and being a pastor.

Interview with Cody Smith
Cody is a trans woman and uses she/her pronouns.
We talk about being the first trans person to be licensed as a professional counselor by the state of Louisiana, and being the Medical Policy Advisor for the Louisiana Trans Advocates

Interview with Diana Newburger
Diana is a trans woman and uses she/her pronouns. We talk about her time with the Franciscan Order, and building a new community.