Interview with Peter Marie Jenkins
Peter is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. We talk about activism, trans visibility, and our mutual desire to be Louisiana grandmas.

Interview with Jamie Wright
Jamie is a trans woman and uses she/her pronouns. We talk about different areas of Louisiana and how great roller derby is.
Interview with Peyton Michelle
Peyton is is transfemme and uses she/her pronouns.
We talk about homecoming dresses, visibility as activism, and being the first out trans woman elected to office in Louisiana.

Interview with Liam Lair
Liam is transmasculine and uses he/him pronouns. We talk about living in Japan, almost becoming a minister, resisting common trans narratives, and the power of sharing stories.

Interview with Dre Tarleton
Dre is non-binary / genderqueer and uses they/them pronouns. We talk about discovering gender language, practicing rootwork, and loving Louisiana while acknowledging that it might not love us back.

Interview with Riley Valentine
Riley is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. We talk about moving to Louisiana from Atlanta, Riley’s Catholicism, and how great SOPHIE is.