The Bills We’re Watching

HB463: a ban on gender-affirming care for minors, no exceptions for parents to give permission for their children to access gender-affirming care

HB466: a ban on discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in schools. A Don’t Say Queer/Gay/Trans bill that allows public school employees to openly disrespect a student if it “is contrary to the employee's religious or moral convictions

HB81: forces school officials to use the name and pronouns that correlate with students’ birth certificates unless a parent provides explicit written consent for them to do otherwise. Even so, public school officials can cite, “religious or moral convictions” to avoid using proper names and pronouns.

SB7 & HB102: library book censorship bills, require that undefined “community standards” would need to be met when libraries acquire their materials and defund libraries accused of acting against standards

(Big thanks to Louisiana Trans Advocates for the bill tracking information resource, from which this is based)

Ways to Help

There are plenty of ways to get involved, and plenty of organizations who are ready to help. No one can do everything, but we can all do something.

Louisiana Trans Advocates

ACLU of Louisiana

Forum for Equality

How Did We Get Here?

Want to know even more about the the history of anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in Louisiana? Have we got just the podcast for you!

Based on 2+ years of interviews and related research and experience, and our collaboration with Last Call Oral History Project, the podcast “Mais, Jamais: the Rise of Louisiana’s Anti-Trans Legislation and the Story of Our Resistance” is available: